Paraphrasing (10th paragraph)


With Sweden and Finland riding the wave of Internet development to similar gains in integration with the rest of the world, the current globalization rankings may well be in flux. Singapore could slip from the lead in the coming years, as countries that are better positioned to benefit from global communications technologies or that are more aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment develop stronger ties with their neighbors.

The main idea of the paragraph

The current globalization rankings may well be in flux: some countries may move forward and some could slip from the lead, depending on whether they can benefit from global communications technology or on whether they are aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment.



Singapore could slip from the lead in the coming years, as countries that are better positioned to benefit from global communications technology or that are more aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment develop stronger ties with their neighbors.


1、Singapore could slip from the lead in the coming years是主句

2、as countries that … their neighbors是时间状语从句,说明主句中谓语动词“could slip”发生的时间,其中:

that are better positioned to benefit from global communications technology 和 that are more aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment是两个并列的限制性定语从句,都修饰名词“countries”