Paraphrasing (30st paragraph)


Welch understands that an organization can be as impressionable as an individual. Every time he intervenes, the stories reverberate through the company. Barely four weeks before CNBC and Dow Jones & Co. (DJ) formally launched their joint-venture cable program on April 1, for example, Welch called up NBC head Robert C. Wright to tell him he wanted to examine the blueprint for the launch. Less than 24 hours later, a group of managers and programmers marched into Welch's New York office for a detailed presentation. "They had a month before the launch, and I think that's an important moment," says Welch. "That (request) will create frenzy, and we'll have a discussion about it. Not that I'll add a helluva lot of value, but I'll be there banging away at it," he adds, clearly satisfied that the hustle he provoked will give the project a renewed intensity that can only favor its success.

The main idea of the paragraph

Every time Welch intervenes, he does not mean to add a helluva lot of value, but to bang away at it, feeling that the hustle he provokes will give the project a renewed intensity that can favor its success.



"…" he adds, clearly satisfied that the hustle he provoked will give the project a renewed intensity that can only favor its success.


1、he adds是主句

2、clearly satisfied … favor its success是形容词短语,作伴随状语,说明当时的情况,其中:

that the … its success 是原因状语从句,说明satisfied的原因,其中还有两个限制性定语从句“he provoked”和“that can only favor its success”,分别修饰“hustle”和“intensity”


bang away at

work very hard or with determined effort 努力干,e.g.

1、Don’t disturb Dick. He is banging away at his homework.不要打搅迪克,他在埋头做家庭作业。

2、He is banging away at his novel.他在埋头写他的小说。