Paraphrasing (22nd paragraph)


Welch seldom disappears early. One night, for example, he was up until 3, shooting the breeze with 20 executives — half of them fast-rising women. But the main event is Welch's wrap-up comments when he steps out onto the stage under a spotlight and a pair of video cameras. Even though GE had just ended a record year, with earnings up 13%, to more than $8.2 billion, Welch wants more. Most CEOs would give a feel-good, congratulatory chat. But Welch dispenses with the kudos and warns the group that it will face one of the toughest years in a decade. It's no time to be complacent, he says, not with the Asian economic crisis, not with deflation in the air.

The main idea of the paragraph

Even with earnings increasing, Welch keeps cool and warned his subordinates that they would face one of the toughest years in a decade with the Asian economic crisis and with deflation in the air.
