Paraphrasing (14th paragraph)


For years, Welch had been skeptical of the quality programs that were the rage in the 1980s. He felt that they were too heavy on slogans and too light on results. That was before he heard former GE Vice-Chairman Lawrence A. Bossidy, a longtime friend, wax on about the benefits he was reaping from a quality initiative he had launched at AlliedSignal Inc., where he has been CEO since 1991. Bossidy had borrowed the Six Sigma program from Motorola Inc. and reported that the company was lowering costs, increasing productivity, and realizing more profits out of operations.

The main idea of the paragraph

Before he heard Lawrence A. Bossidy, a longtime friend, talk about the adoption of the Six Sigma program and about the resultant fruit, Welch had been skeptical of the quality programs popular in the 1980’s

在听他的老朋友Lawrence A. Bossidy谈论实施“六西格玛”项目以及带来的成效之前,韦尔奇对上世纪八十年代盛行的提升质量的项目一直持怀疑态度。


That was before he heard former GE Vice-Chairman Lawrence A. Bossidy, a longtime friend, wax on about the benefits he was reaping from a quality initiative he had launched at AlliedSignal Inc., where he has been CEO since 1991.


1、That was 是主句

2、before he heard … since 1991是表语从句,其中

  1)former GE Vice-Chairman Lawrence A. Bossidy, a longtime friend 是宾语,“a longtime friend”是former GE Vice-Chairman Lawrence A. Bossidy 的同位语,说明其身份

  2)wax on … since 1991 是不带“to”的动词不定式,作宾语补足语

  3)he was reaping ...since 1991是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“benefits”

  4)he had … since 1991也是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“quality initiative”

  5)where he has been CEO since 1991是非限制性定语从句,修饰名词AlliedSignal Inc.