Paraphrasing (7th paragraph)


Making the company "informal" means violating the chain of command, communicating across layers, paying people as if they worked not for a big company but for a demanding entrepreneur where nearly everyone knows the boss. It has as much to do with Welch's charisma as it has to do with the less visible rhythms of the company — its meetings and review sessions — and how he uses them to great advantage.

The main idea of the paragraph

Making the company “informal” is a breakthrough and it calls for the charisma of the leader and also the fullest use of the less visible rhythm of the company.



use something to good advantage

to use something that you have or that happens in order to achieve something 利用,e.g.

1、Burns used his family connections to good advantage.伯恩斯充分利用了他家族的关系。

2、Professionals need to be aware of such things and use them to good advantage.专业人士需要知道这类事情,并对其进行充分的利用。