Paraphrasing (6th paragraph)


You don't get hung up on formalities, either. If the hierarchy that Welch inherited, with its nine layers of management, hasn't been completely nuked, it has been severely damaged. Everyone, from secretaries to chauffeurs to factory workers, calls him Jack, Everyone can expect — at one time or another — to see him scurry down an aisle to pick through the merchandize on a bottom shelf or to reach into his pocket and surprise with an unexpected bonus. "The story about GE that hasn't been told is the value of an informal place," says Welch. "I think it's a big thought. I don't think people have ever figured out that being informal is a big deal."

The main idea of the paragraph

Welch thinks that being informal in a company, especially in a big corporation is a great invention, and it makes a big difference to its success.



a big deal

an important or exciting event or situation 重要事件,大事,e.g.

1、This audition is a big deal for Joey.这次审计对乔伊来说是件大事。

2、She tried to make everything sound a big deal.她试图把一切事情都说得耸人听闻。