Paraphrasing (Briefing)

The main idea of the paragraph of the passage:

The passage deals with the repercussion of the September 11 terror attacks on different industries of the U.S. economy, such as airlines, oil, retailing, advertising, entertainment, insurance, etc.


Structure of the passage:

The passage can be divided into seven parts, the first eight paragraphs being the first part, paragraph 9 to paragraph 12 being the second part, paragraph 13 to paragraph 15 the third part, paragraph 16 to paragraph 18 the fourth part, paragraph 19 to paragraph 22 the fifth part, paragraph 23 to paragraph 25 the sixth part, and the last two paragraphs the seventh part.

The first part presents an overview of the impact of the September 11th terror attacks on the U.S. economy like layoffs and declines in profits, and the measures the U.S. government adopts, such as fiscal and monetary stimulus to reduce its adverse effect.

The second part tells the reader that because of the economic recession and the terror attacks, the airline bookings decrease and some of the airlines may be squeezed out of business. To fare through this situation, consolidation may take place in the industry, new technology will be employed and flights may be reduced.

The third part tells the reader that after the terror attacks, the oil prices are in a mixed condition. On the one hand, the prices may come down due to the declining stemming from recession and the reduced air travel. On the other, owing to the uncertainty effect, the oil prices tend to go up. The fourth part tells the reader after the terror attacks, the sales may drop for a while, and some people may change their shopping plans.

Particularly affected will be the sales of luxury goods like perfume and fashions. However, as Christmas comes, sales may recover, especially the sales of gifts, because of renewed focus on family and friends.

The fifth part tells the reader that, with the economic recession and the terror attacks, the advertising industry was also dealt a heavy blow. Besides, the content and language of advertisements have been changed to match the nation’s grief.

The sixth part tells the reader that with the entertainment and amusement industry, themes changed, with terrorism removed, and the World Trade Center and New York pushed back. The industry wonders what the viewers’ tastes are and does not know how to cater to them. But according to analysts, the industry will recover next year.

The seventh part tells that reader that the insurance industry suffers tremendously because of claims for terror attacks-related casualties, property losses and business-interruption. To its rescue are the government’s tax reduction and foreign reinsurance companies. One good thing for the industry is that the rate will go up and the coverage will become limited.