Paraphrasing (15th paragraph)


But Michael Lynch of the research firm DIR-WEFA14 said that despite decreasing demand, the terror attack had produced an “uncertainty effect” that would possibly drive oil prices higher in the weeks ahead. Lynch said that oil companies and large industrial users of oil very likely would attempt to build their inventories amid uncertainty. Meanwhile, consumer unease could spur a sudden increase in gas prices. “If motorists suddenly panic, out of fear that gas won't be available or will be available at some stratospheric price, they 're going to line up at gas pumps and create a gasoline shortage, ” says Geoff Sundstrum of the American Automobile Associatio&15.

The main idea of the paragraph

Some worry that the uncertainty effect in the wake of the terror attacks will drive oil prices higher.



If motorists suddenly panic out of fear that gas won’t be available or will be available at some stratospheric price, they are going to line up at gas pumps and create a gasoline shortage.


1)“they are going to line up at gas pumps and create a gasoline shortage”是主句

2)“If motorists suddenly … some stratospheric price”是个条件状语从句,其中“that gas won’t be available or will be available at some stratospheric price”是个同位语从句,说明“fear担忧”的内容。