Paraphrasing (23rd paragraph)


How do you market virtual mayhem when the real-life version is on TV screens round the clock? That’s the challenge facing the $372 billion entertainment and amusement industry, which analysts figure will suffer a 6 percent to 8 percent decrease in revenues because of the tragedy.

The main idea of the paragraph

Faced with the real-life chaos caused by the attacks, the entertainment industry finds it hard to stop the declining of its revenues.



That is the challenge facing the $372 billion entertainment and amusement industry, which analysts figure will suffer a 6 percent to 8 percent decrease in revenues because of the tragedy.


1)“that is the challenge facing the $372 billion entertainment and amusement industry”是主句

2)“which analysts figure will suffer…the tragedy”是个非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“entertainment and amusement industry”,关系代词“which”在从句中作另一个宾语从句“will suffer a 6 percent to 8 percent decrease in revenues”的主语


round the clock

happening all the time, both day and night 日夜不停地 e.g.

1)The super-market is open round the clock. 这家超级市场日夜营业。

2)The community clinic offers round-the-clock medical care. 那个社区诊所日夜提供医疗服务。