Paraphrasing (13th paragraph)


As U.S. naval forces headed out from Norfolk12 toward the Middle East, the oil market was jittery but focused as much on recession as on the threat of war. Crude prices slid downward on the assumption that economic slowdown and a drop in air travel would depress demand. Still, with the prospect of armed conflict very real, analysts see considerable risk of higher energy prices. “A lot of this is going to depend on if and when and how a military intervention takes place,” says Bill 0' Grady, director of futures research at A. G. Edwards & Sons13. “Is it isolated just to Afghanistan, or do you involve an oil-producing country, most likely, Iraq.”

The main idea of the paragraph

With a depressed demand due to economic slowdown and a drop in air travel, and with the prospect of armed conflict, the oil market was undergoing price fluctuations.
