Paraphrasing (22nd paragraph)


Already, the six TV networks report an estimated $320 million in lost ad revenues due to the attack. Andtour of the country’s newspaper groups warned of a shortfall in third-quarter earnings because of canceled ads. Not only are revenues down, but expanded news coverage has pushed newsprint and labor costs up. But Samir Husni, journalism professor at the University of Mississippi, sees the tragedy having a salutary effect on media content. “This is serious stuff, not just PR,” he says. “It’s going to be some time before we get back to fluff.”

The main idea of the paragraph

On the one hand, there were reduced revenues resulting from declining spending after the attacks, and increased operational costs. On the other hand, the content changed from lightness to seriousness. It will be some time for the industry to recover and for the advertisement to become entertaining again.
