Paraphrasing (19th paragraph)


Like the Southern enlargement and current studies suggest, both the EU and the candidate countries are likely to benefit from enlargement. Since the great changes, deeper integration between the EU and those countries has generated economic growth. Enlargement is likely to further enhance trade and capital flows and accelerate growth, particularly for the developing country candidates. In other arrangements between developed and developing countries, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, economic growth of the developing country partner (in this case, Mexico) accelerated following implementation of the agreement. Greece, Portugal, Spain, and particularly Ireland experienced a further acceleration of economic growth after joining the EU. Although it takes time, previous enlargements have shown that the income gap between EU members and poorer candidate countries tended to narrow. Such examples portend a favorable economic future for the European continent.

The main idea of the paragraph

As the Southern enlargement and current studies indicate, both the EU and the candidate countries can benefit from enlargement. Enlargement may further enhance trade and capital flows and accelerate economic growth, particularly for the developing country candidates. Previous enlargements have shown that the income gap between EU members and poorer candidate countries tended to narrow, suggesting a bright future for the European continent.



Like the Southern enlargement and current studies suggest …



  1)Don't talk to me like you talk to a child.别象对孩子说话那样来和我说话。

  2)To dance like she does requires great discipline.(跳舞)要跳得象她那样好得有大量的训练。