Paraphrasing (14th paragraph)


Most of the 12 candidates are small, open economies heavily dependent on trade. In 1999, exports accounted for greater than 50 percent of GDP in four of the candidate countries — Estonia, Malta, Slovakia, and Hungary. In just two countries — Poland and Cyprus — exports accounted for less than 20 percent of GDP. The EU is by far the candidates' largest trading partner, accounting for 65 percent of their exports and 62 percent of their imports in 2000. This portion has been rising gradually over the past 5 years and is now higher than intra-EU trade (62 percent). Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are the EU's top trading partners among the 12 candidates, and ranked within the EU's top ten trading partners in 2000. These three countries are also the largest trading partners of the United States among the 12 candidates. However, in 1999 the United States accounted for under 3 percent of exports from Poland and the Czech Republic, and just over 5 percent of Hungary's exports. However, in each of these countries, the U.S. share of total exports has been climbing gradually over the period 1995—1999.

The main idea of the paragraph

Most of the 12 candidates are small, open economies heavily dependent on trade. In 1999 the export of four candidate countries accounted for more than 50% of their GDP, with the EU being their largest trading partners and accounting for 65% of their exports and 62% of their imports in 2000.
