Paraphrasing (3rd paragraph)


In June, at the semiannual summit of EU heads of state and government in Goteborg, Sweden, EU leaders took an important step in the enlargement process by making an official commitment to conclude enlargement negotiations by the end of 2002 and to accept the first wave of new members in 2004. The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet should help remove some of the uncertainties in the enlargement process that have concerned the applicants and should encourage their parliaments to pass needed reforms more rapidly.

The main idea of the paragraph

The EU’s commitment to conclude the negotiations by the end of 2002 and to accept new members in 2004 should help remove some of the uncertainties and should encourage reforms in the candidate countries.



The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet should help remove some of the uncertainties in the enlargement process that have concerned the applicants and should encourage their parliaments to pass needed reforms more rapidly.


1)The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet should help remove some of the uncertainties in the enlargement process…and should encourage their parliaments to pass needed reforms more rapidly是主句,其中的“The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet”是主语,“for both sides to meet”是个带逻辑主语的动词不定式,修饰名词“dates”,“should help”和“should encourage”是两个并列谓语动词;

2)that have concerned the applicants是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“process”。