Paraphrasing (13th paragraph)


The income gap between the candidates and current EU members is larger than in any previous enlargement. In 2000, four EU member states registered a per capita GDP less than the EU average: Finland (99 percent of the EU average), Spain (81 percent), Portugal (74 percent), and Greece (68 percent). Only two of the twelve candidates recorded a GDP per head greater than Greece: Cyprus, with 82 percent of the EU average, and Slovenia, with 71 percent of the EU average. Four candidates recorded per capita GDP less than one third of the EU average: Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Czech Republic and Romania showed the largest declines in per capita GDP in relation to the EU average over the 1996—2000 period; however, most candidate countries registered improvement.

The main idea of the paragraph

The income gap between the candidates and current EU members is larger than ever. Of the twelve candidate nations, only two recorded a per capita GDP larger than 68 percent, and four candidates’ per capita GDP is less than one third of the EU average.
