Paraphrasing (1st paragraph)


The European Union (EU) is about to undertake the biggest enlargement of its borders ever. Established in 1957 with 6 member countries, the EU now has 15 member states after undergoing four separate enlargements. However, none reached the scope of the current enlargement. Thirteen countries have applied to join the EU and twelve countries (all but Turkey) are actively negotiating accession at present. The European Commission estimates that both the EU and the candidate countries will benefit from enlargement.

The main idea of the paragraph

The European Union is going to make its fifth and largest enlargement ever, from which both the EU and the candidate nations will benefit.



the first six members of the Union and the enlargements thereafter: 欧盟最初的六个成员国和随后的扩盟

the first six nations in 1957:

Belgium France Italy Luxembourg Netherlands West Germany

the first enlargement in 1973:

Denmark Republic of Ireland United Kingdom

the second enlargement in 1981:


the third enlargement in 1986:

Portugal Spain

the fourth enlargement in 1995:

Austria Finland Sweden

the fifth enlargement in 2004:

Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania
Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia

the sixth enlargement in 2007:

Bulgaria Romania