Paraphrasing (2nd paragraph)


The U.S. Government supports EU enlargement as a means to build stability and cooperation across the European continent. U.S. companies are likely to benefit from reduced transaction costs resulting from the harmonization of standards and other regulations for doing business; for example, a single tariff schedule and one set of trade rules across Europe. U.S. exports to the candidate countries should face lower tariffs on accession, since the EU's common external tariff is generally lower than the tariffs currently applied by the candidates. In addition, opportunities for U.S. investment will expand as the candidates undertake economic reforms, create attractive financial markets, strive to improve firms' competitiveness, and adopt the EU's open and transparent investment regime.

The main idea of the paragraph

After the enlargement, the U.S. businesses are also likely to benefit from improved business and investment environments resulting from economic reforms and from the adoption of the E.U. standards and other regulations.
