Paraphrasing (6th paragraph)


None of the candidate countries will have the option to opt out of economic and monetary union and to remain outside the euro zone. However, each will first need to meet the so-called Maastricht criteria before they can join the currency union. Fulfilling the Maastricht economic convergence criteria will only become a priority after the Copenhagen criteria for accession have been met.

The main idea of the paragraph

After meeting the Copenhagen criteria to join the European Union, the candidate nations must meet the Maastricht economic convergence criteria to become a member of the currency union.



opt out of something:

to decide not to be part of a group or system 决定退出,e.g.

  1)Britain wants to opt out of the new European regulations.英国想选择退出新的欧洲规则(体系)。

  2)In the United States, individual schools have the right to opt out of the local educational authority.在美国,每一学校都有脱离地方教育行政体系的权利

  Compare opt in to something

  to decide to join a group or system 决定加入,e.g.

  Employees have the choice to opt in to the pension scheme.雇员可以选择加入养老金计划。