Paraphrasing (17th paragraph)


US. trade deficits with its NAFTA partners, Canada and Mexico, expanded from $16.6 billion in 1993 to $62.8 billion in 2000. Almost all of this growth occurred after 1994, when NAFTA was implemented. The primary mechanism driving this growth has been the movement of foreign direct investment (FDI)7 by the U.S., in the form of factories and even complete supply networks in some cases, to Mexico and Canada. Between 1993 and 1999 U.S. FDI in Mexico increased by 169%; in Canada it more than quadrupled. Counting all sources, Canada and Mexico have absorbed more than $151 billion in FDI since 1993. These inflows of FDI, along with bank loans and other types of foreign financing, have funded the construction of thousands of Mexican and Canadian factories that produce goods for export to the United States. One result is that the U.S. absorbed an astounding 82% of Mexico's total exports in 2000. The growth of foreign production capacity has played a major role in the rapid growth of exports to the U.S., growth in the U.S. trade deficit, and growth in trade-related job losses.

The main idea of the paragraph

After 1994 when NAFTA was implemented, U.S. trade deficits increased tremendously and trade-related job losses grew. During the same period, U.S. foreign direct investment into Mexico and Canada increased rapidly, expanding their production and export capacities. To some extent, the implementation of NAFTA contributed to the rise in the trade deficits and in the trade-related job losses.



The primary mechanism driving this growth has been the movement of foreign direct investment by the U.S., in the form of factories and even complete supply networks in some cases, to Mexico and Canada.


  1)“The primary mechanism has been the movement”是主系表结构;

  2)现在分词短语“driving this growth”修饰名词“mechanism”作定语;

  3)“of foreign direct investment by the U.S.”、“ in the form of factories and even complete supply networks in some cases”和“to Mexico and Canada”是三个介词短语,都修饰名词“movement”。