Paraphrasing (13th paragraph)


The impacts of NAFTA and the WTO on the U.S. job market were obscured by the boom-and-bust cycle that has driven domestic consumption, investment, and speculation in the mid- and late 1990s. Although there was net job loss in the international sector of the economy between 1994 and 2000, total employment rose rapidly in the U.S., causing overall unemployment to fall to record low levels. However, with the bursting of the stock market bubble, unemployment has risen from 3.9% in October 2000 to 4.9% in September 2001.

The main idea of the paragraph

When the economy was booming and as new jobs were created, the impact upon employment of the imports resulting from NAFTA and the WTO was not so noticeable. As the economic growth slowed down, the effect became apparent.
