Paraphrasing (4th paragraph)


Fast track by itself, a procedural rule designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements, will have no effect of any kind on the economy. It is unlikely that the U.S. can negotiate and submit for approval any new agreements for at least three years, and it will take even longer for these agreements to affect the economy. Moreover, if past trade deals are any indication, fast track and new trade deals are likely to curtail growth, not increase it.

The main idea of the paragraph

Fast track is only a procedural rule and will not have any effect on the economy. Besides, past experiences suggest that fast track and new trade deals will not foster economic growth in the short run.



Fast track by itself, a procedural rule designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements, will have no effect of any kind on the economy.


  “a procedural rule designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements”是同位语,说明“Fast track”的内容,其中过去分词短语“designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements”作定语,修饰名词短语“a procedural rule”。