Paraphrasing (7th paragraph)


Supporters of NAFTA and the WTO frequently tout the benefits of exports while remaining silent on the impact of rapid import growth. But any evaluation of the impact of trade on the domestic economy must look at both imports and exports. When the United States exports 1000 cars to Germany or Mexico, plants in this country employ U.S. workers in their production. If, however, the U.S. imports 1 000 cars from Germany or Mexico rather than building them domestically, then a similar number of U.S. workers who would have otherwise been employed in the auto industry wifl have to find other work. Ignoring imports and counting only exports is like balancing a checkbook by counting only deposits but not withdrawals.

The main idea of the paragraph

When evaluating the impact of trade on the domestic economy one must look at both imports and exports, both, not just one.
