Paraphrasing (17th paragraph)


Underlying these legal niceties is a hard-nosed business issue: who owns what, and in which order, in the event of a bankruptcy? In a world of segregated accounts, direct ownership is easy to establish. In the Anglo-Saxon model, however, and in fluid financial markets where collateral is constantly exchanged between counterparties, the issue can be moot. It is particularly moot where the two legal systems overlap, as they do every time a money manager in London trades with one in Frankfurt. Suppose that you pledge shares as collateral for a loan, and later want to reverse the trade. If your counterparty goes bankrupt before your shares have been returned, who owns them? Such problems present serious barriers to an integrated cross-border securities market and will not easily be overcome. And even if Britain joins the euro, these legal issues will still need to be resolved.

The main idea of the paragraph

Because of the difference of laws of different nations in the ownership of securities, the realistic issues of who owns what, and in which order, in the event of a bankruptcy and some other issues present serious barriers to an integrated cross-border securities market.



It is particularly moot where the two legal systems overlap, as they do every time a money manager in London trades with one in Frankfurt.

1)“It is particularly moot”是主句
2)“where the two legal systems … one in Frankfurt”是地点状语从句,其中 “as they do every time a money manager in London trades with one in Frankfurt”是方式状语从句,修饰“overlap”,在方式状语从句中含有一个以“every time”引导的时间状语从句“every time a money manager in London trades with one in Frankfurt”,修饰“do”