Paraphrasing (7th paragraph)


To see Mr. Rangan’s point, consider the euro itself. It is Europe’s money, but is there as yet a single market in money? A quick look at the banking system or at the broader financial-services industry suggests that this remains a distant goal. The euro has prompted some notable achievements, but there have also been glaring failures, and plenty of gaps remain.

The main idea of the paragraph

Besides the impossibility of comparing prices there is another fact that there are big differences in the banking systems between the member nations, which also prevents the Euro from playing its role.



as yet

used when saying that something has not happened up to now 至今,迄今 e.g.

1)We've had no luck as yet. 我们至今还没有遇到好运气。
2)We haven't needed extra staff as yet, but may do in the future. 我们目前还不需要增加人手,但今后可能会需要的。