Paraphrasing (8th paragraph)


Among the achievements is the euro-denominated capital market. Starting from nothing three years ago, this has become one of the world’s main wholesale markets. The euro has removed exchange-rate risk and done away with the segmentation by currency that had previously characterized Europe’s money and bond markets.

The main idea of the paragraph

With the adoption of the euro, some achievements have been made, typically, the establishment of the euro-denominated money and bond market.



1、do away with

to get rid of something or stop using it 消除 e.g.

1)People thought that the use of robots would do away with boring low-paid factory jobs. 人们曾经认为工厂在使用机器人之后就可以消除烦人的低报酬工作。

2)These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago. 这些荒唐的规则早该在几年前就抛弃了。

2、capital market 资本市场

the market that facilitates the trading in long-term debt and equity instruments.

3、money market 金融市场

the market that provides short term debt financing and investment that mature in less than one year and are very liquid such as negotiable certificates of deposit, Eurodollar certificates of deposit, commercial paper, banker's acceptances, Treasury bills, etc.

4、bond market 债券市场

the market that provides financing through the issuance of Bonds, and enables the subsequent trading thereof.