Paraphrasing (16th paragraph)


But now, tech companies that need money, especially startups, are getting the door slammed in their faces. Says Geoffery Y. Yang, a partner in Redpoint Ventures, a venture-capital firm in Menlo Park, Calif.: “We went from a period where the cost of capital was basically zero to a period now where the cost of capital for the most ground-breaking ideas is nearly infinite.” Yang is proud to have put seed money into TiVo Inc., a now-struggling company that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder. “I think of TiVo up there with the microwave in terms of how it’s changed my life,” says Yang. “But I doubt we would invest in a company like that today as a startup. It is a pity.” Yang fears that “normal conditions” won’t return in the tech sector until late next year or early 2003.

The main idea of the paragraph

With the economic growth rate slowing down, high-tech companies, especially startups, find it harder to get funding from venture capital



Yang is proud to have put seed money into Tivo Inc., a now-struggling company that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder.


1) “Yang is proud to have put seed money into Tivo Inc.”是主句

2) “a now-struggling company that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder”是名词性成分,作同位语,说明Tivo Inc.的情况

3) “that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a recorder”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“company”

4) 在“makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder”中,“it”是形式宾语,代替作为真正宾语的动词不定式“for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder”,“easy”作宾语补足语。


1、slam the door in sb’s face

to rudely refuse to meet someone or talk to them拒绝面见某人或听取某人的意见
The workers only asked for a small increase in pay, but the boss just slammed the door in their faces. 工人们只是要求工资略有增加,但老板断然拒绝了他们的要求。

2. Menlo Park, California

Menlo Park's California live oak on the Civic Center grounds. This species is the city logo.

A city of western California, southeast of San Francisco, in the United States of America. It is mainly residential, with a population of 30,785 in 2000. 门洛帕克

3、seed money种子基金

Seed money, or seed capital, is the financing an entrepreneur needs in the very early stages of launching a new business. It gets its name from the idea that early stage financing plants the seed that enables a small business to grow. Obtaining funding is one of the most critical aspects of starting a small business. In fact, many businesses fail or are prevented from even starting due to a lack of capital. Although obtaining financing can be difficult for any small business, it is particularly hard for new ventures; since they lack a track record, potential lenders and investors are often skeptical about their prospects for success. But the dedicated would-be entrepreneur, if armed with a sound business plan and the necessary skills, can usually obtain funding for his/her dream.