Paraphrasing (11th paragraph)


Not only is there more computing power than ever before, it’s also improving at a faster rate. Harvard University economist Dale W. Jorgenson dates the acceleration to November, 1995, when Intel Corp’s product cycle for its microprocessors shrank from three years to two with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro. Intel has kept UP the pace since, most recently with its Itanium processors for servers and workstations ─ its first that chew on 64 bits of data at once.

The main idea of the paragraph

Not only is there more computing power than ever before it’s also improving at a faster rate. All this happened after 1995.



Harvard University economist Dale W. Jorgenson dates the acceleration to November, 1995, when Intel Corp.’s product cycle for its microprocessors shrank from three years to two with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro.

在这个句子中,“Harvard University economist Dale W. Jorgenson dates the acceleration to November, 1995”是主句,“when Intel Corp.’s product cycle for its microprocessors shrank from three years to two with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro”是非限制性的定语从句,修饰“November, 1995”,其中介词短语“with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro”修饰谓语动词“shrank”。