Paraphrasing (3rd paragraph)


Looking ahead, we’re cautious about the immediate future. But we remain optimistic about the two-to-three-year outlook. Since the middle of the 1990s, labor productivity ─ the output per hour of work ─ has grown at a rate of 2.4% annually, even after the latest downward revisions. These gains are likely to continue, though probably at a lightly slower pace. At the same time, immigration is helping to expand the labor force. Put those together, and the U.S. can most likely sustain annual gross- domestic-product growth of around 3.5%. That’s a healthy contrast with the period of 1973 to 1995, when GDP growth averaged 2.8%. Moreover, it’s safely below the overheated 4%-plus growth of the late 1990s ─ and right in line with the average for the 20th century as a whole, when America experienced the greatest increase of wealth in world history. Other nations seem to agree. They’re betting on the long-term strength of the U.S. economy by investing in American assets ranging from Treasury bills to new auto plants.

The main idea of the paragraph

The new economy will continue to grow, though at a slightly lower rate. One of the momentums comes from high labor productivity and the expanded labor force. At this, there is no need for worry because the rate is below the overheated growth rate of 4%-plus.


Put those together, and the U.S. can most likely sustain annual gross-domestic-product growth of around 3.5%.


1)Open the case, and you will find a beautiful present. 打开这个盒子,你会发现一件精美的礼物。
2)Try and you will succeed. 尝试一下,你会成功的。

在这个结构中,如果祈使句和陈述句之间用or, 而不是用and连接,则祈使句就相当于unless引导的条件状语从句,又如,
1)Keep off the fire, or you may get burned. 别靠近火,否则你会(被)烫伤的。
2)Put on more clothes, or you may catch a cold. 多穿点衣服,否则你会感冒的。