Paraphrasing (7th paragraph)


The best bet: Capital spending will finally come back strong sometime next year. With inventories running low, companies will need new equipment and software. Plus some of the gear they already have will be outmoded. In the cutthroat business world, companies can’t afford to keep using out-of-date equipment even if it still has years of serviceable life. Equipment that lowers costs will be in demand. With capital spending back on track, the economy should reach full strength a year from now, if not sooner. The latest survey of 50 economists by Blue Chip Economic Indicators pegs GDP growth at1.8% this year and 3% next year, with the annualized growth rate reaching 3.5% by the second half of 2002.

The main idea of the paragraph

It is hoped that with the recovery in the investment in new equipment and software due to competition, the economy will pick up the next year.
