Paraphrasing (9th paragraph)


New Economy skeptics have a more pessimistic view of the future because they have a gloomier reading of the past. They say much of the equipment and software bought in the late 1990s went to waste. And they argue that recent downward revisions of historical GDP data solidify their case that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed. When the history books are written, they say, the boom will turn out to have been largely a bubble.

The main idea of the paragraph

New Economy skeptics have a pessimistic view of the future because they have a gloomier reading of the past.



And they argue that recent downward revisions of historical GDP data solidify their case that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed.

在这个句子中,“And they argue”是主句,“that recent downward revisions of historical GDP data solidify their case that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed”是宾语从句,“that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed”是同位语从句,说明“case”的内容。“as strong as first believed”是个比较结构。


go to waste be

unused or expended to no purpose被浪费掉
1)Don’t let all this good food go to waste.

2)I would not like to see any daughter of mine going to waste as a chorus-girl in a provincial theatre.