Paraphrasing (6th paragraph)


The timing of a full rebound boils down to when businesses resume serious investing in new plants and equipment. Right now, they’re reluctant to buy new gear because they have plenty on hand from the last capital-spending binge . Industry is using just 77% of its capacity, the lowest rate since 1983. Companies are filling orders out of inventory instead of new production. David A. Wyss, chief economist at Standard &Poor’s, which like Business Week is a unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, says this business cycle is similar to those of the 1 950s: Capital spending was the first component of GDP to slump and will be the last to recover.

The main idea of the paragraph

A full rebound in economy depends on the resumption of the investment. At present, the production capacity is not fully utilized, and the investment in new plants and equipments is sluggish. Consequently, the growth will not be as robust.
