Paraphrasing (13th paragraph)


Conseco executives clearly disagree. They insist that they have already taken aggressive action to bring down debt, and they say the company plans to raise an additional $750 million through the sale of portions of its insurance business and other assets. The company has also repurchased $266 million in bonds at a 30% discount in the secondary market. "Liquidity is not an issue," says Conseco's current chief executive, Gary C. Wendt. But having already sold $1 .6 billion in assets —and with an additional $6 billion— in debt still on the books—some investors and analysts wonder whether Wendt will ultimately run out of things to sell. "There're hardly any assets left there," notes Devine.

The main idea of the paragraph

Conseco executives insist that they have taken action like selling assets to bring down debt, but with an additional $6 billion in debt, some investors and analysts wonder whether Conseco will run out of things to sell.
