Paraphrasing (1st paragraph)


During the go-go 1990s, WorldCom's (WCOM) Bernard j. Ebbers and Tyco International's (TYC) L. Dennis Kozlowski were the heroes of a new breed of growth- driven CEOs. Unlike other chief executives who viewed mergers as a complement to their core businesses, this new generation viewed dealmaking as the cornerstone itself and the basis for maintaining heady growth rates. And while other CEOs might view a rising stock price as a nice reward for their labor, to executives like Ebbers and Kozlowski, keeping the stock price high was critical to their formula because it gave them the currency to keep their spending sprees going.

The main idea of the paragraph

There are two breeds of CEOs: one views mergers as a complement to their core business and view a rising stock price as a nice reward for their labor; the other view mergers as the basis for maintaining heady growth rates, and think that keeping the stock price high is crucial to their formula.



And while other CEOs might view a rising stock price as a nice reward for their labor, to executives like Ebbers and Kozlowski, keeping the stock price high was critical to their formula because it gave them the currency to keep their spending sprees going.
1)keeping the stock price high was critical to their formula是主句,其中作主语的是动名词短语
2)while other CEOs might view a rising stock price as a nice reward for their labor是让步状语从句
3)because it gave them the currency to keep their spending sprees going 是原因状语从句,其中的动词不定式to keep their spending sprees going作定语,修饰名词currency
4)让步状语从句和原因状语从句都修饰主句中的谓语动词was critical to their formula