Paraphrasing (2nd paragraph)


Now, of course, many of the celebrated dealmakers of the′90s have run into a brick wall. With Wall Street suddenly turning a cold eye toward the aggressive acquisitions accounting and leverage that drove much of the growth of the past decade, such acquisitive high-fliers as WorldCom, Tyco, and Conseco (CNC) have fallen out of favor with investors. According to a study by Bridgewater Associates Inc., the 20 companies with the greatest merger-and-acquisition activity over the past four years, a group that includes Cisco Systems (CSCO), AT&T (T), and even General Electric (GE), are now being punished by Wall Street. Through Feb. , their stocks were down an average 15% since the beginning of 2002, compared with a decline of 5% for the companies in the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index.

The main idea of the paragraph

Now many of the celebrities of the 1990s have run into a brick wall, because Wall Street has turned a cold eye toward the aggressive acquisitions accounting and leverage.



With Wall Street suddenly turning a cold eye toward the aggressive acquisitions accounting and leverage that drove much of the growth of the past decade, such acquisitive high-fliers as WorldCom, Tyco, and Conseco (CNC) have fallen out of favor with investors.
1)such acquisitive high-fliers as WorldCom, Tyco, and Conseco (CNC) have fallen out of favor with investors 是主句
2)With Wall Street suddenly turning a cold eye toward the aggressive acquisitions accounting and leverage that drove much of the growth of the past decade 是个带逻辑主语的复合结构,做原因状语;其中的that drove much of the growth of the past decade是限制性定语从句,修饰名词leverage


1turn a cold/blind eye to/toward 
to ignore something that you know is wrong; to pay no attention to熟视无睹;不理睬,e.g.
1)Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.教师对在学校抽烟的现象熟视无睹。
2)The police turned a blind eye to this problem.警方对这一问题不予理睬。
Similar expression:
turn a deaf ear to
to ignore someone when they complain or ask for something对…置若罔闻,e.g.
1)The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the workers for an increase in pay.工厂主对工人的要求增加工资置若罔闻。
2)In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests.过去,他们会对这类要求置若罔闻。
2fall/be out of favor with someone
(someone or something) not become/be liked or approved of by people 不受(某人的)欢迎,e.g.
1)The stock is currently out of favor with investors.这支股票目前没有受到投资者的追捧。
2)I think I am out of favor with them; I have not been asked to any of their parties this year. 我觉得他们已经不喜欢我了,今年他们的聚会一次都没有请过我。
be in favor (with somebody)
(someone or something) be liked or approved of by people 受(某人的)欢迎,e.g.
The new clerk is in high favor with the manager of the company.新办事员很受公司经理的赏识。