Paraphrasing (11th paragraph)


But for other companies, the pressures are more intense. Particularly vulnerable are those that spent freely when times were fat but are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads now that their growth has slowed. After spending a hefty $1 7 billion to acquire other pulp and paper makers in recent years, Atlanta-based Georgia-Pacific Group (GP) is struggling with $12 billion in debt in the middle of a sharp downturn in many of its core markets. Georgia-Pacific executives insist that the company is not facing a liquidity squeeze. Still, analysts think that Georgia-Pacific will likely have to sell or spin off some assets to remain in compliance with its lending covenants.

The main idea of the paragraph

Those who spent freely when times were fat are now feeling more intense pressures and are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads.



Particularly vulnerable are those that spent freely when times were fat but are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads now that their growth has slowed.
2)those that spent freely when times were fat but are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads now that their growth has slowed 是主语,其中:
②that spent freely when times were fat but are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads now that their growth has slowed,其中:
i. that spent freely but are weighed down with stiff interest payments and heavy debt loads 是主要部分
ii. when times were fat 是时间状语从句,修饰谓语动词spent
iii. now that their growth has slowed 是原因状语从句,修饰谓语动词are weighed down



the degree to which an asset can be quickly and cheaply turned into money which, by definition, is completely liquid. A current account bank deposit is a liquid asset because it can be withdrawn immediately at little cost; an office building, by contrast, will take a considerable time to dispose of and estate agent’s fees and other costs will be incurred. A company or individual is said to be liquid if a high proportion of its or his assets are held in the form of cash or readily marketable securities. 偿债能力,流动性