Paraphrasing (Summary)

Technological innovations lead to new business models because managers, to meet the challenges resulting from new technology and the resultant increase in productivity, have to develop new processes for matching demand with supply, which eventually leading to changes in the supply chain and in the structure of industry. The introduction of continental railroad and telegram systems and the arrival of high-speed, continuous-process production machinery at the turn of the 20th century and the adoption of the Information Technology in the 1990s have witnessed it.

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution and then in the wake of the Information Technology, first came mass distributors and networks of branch sales offices and the replacement of small companies operating locally by large, vertically integrated corporations operating nationally, and then came the production of finished products as close as possible to the point of customer demand, the direct flow of goods between suppliers and end customers, and the change of the computer industry from a vertical to a horizontal structure.


随着工业革命以及最近的信息技术,最初出现的是大规模分销商、由销售分支办事处组成的网络、以及在业内进行垂直合作并在全国运营的大公司取代在当地运营的小公司,后来又出现了尽可能靠近消费者生产制成品,商品从供货商直接流向消费者,以及计算机产业内出现的垂直合作结构转向水平式的合作结构。 .