Paraphrasing (3rd paragraph)


Between 1870 and 1917, a massive reorganization of the economies of developed nations took place. Before this, commerce had been characterized by small companies that operated within a limited geographic space and focused on a thin slice of the value chain. During this period these companies were replaced by large, vertically integrated corporations. Decisions about the allocation of resources that ensured the matching of supply with demand throughout the value chain were removed from the marketplace and placed in the hands of managers. The switch from market allocation to corporate allocation was based on a simple economic reality. The cost of allocation of resources within the company became lower than the cost of using the market. Those who recognized this fact developed business models that took advantage of the opportunity by expanding and integrating operations within the company. The primary areas where changes took place were in the production and distribution of goods — the supply chain. What were the technologies that enabled the movement to the "visible hand" to take place? Most important were the introduction of continental railroad and telegraph systems, and the arrival of high- speed, continuous-process production machinery. In developed countries, it became possible to ship goods and to communicate from coast to coast. For the first time, continental markets could be accessed, both for the supply of raw materials and the distribution of finished products. The scale and complexity of business increased, necessitating the invention of management skills such as scheduling, accounting and co-ordination across many interacting locations. Soon, mass distributors appeared. These companies used national rail networks to make fast, reliable, low-cost deliveries. Heavy use of such infrastructure gave them a high stock turnover for a high volume of goods. The successful distributors set up networks of retail chains and commodity dealerships and came to dominate their regional markets.

The main idea of the paragraph

At the turn of the 20th century, a massive reorganization of the economies of developed nations took place. Behind it were the introduction of continental railroad and telegraph systems, and the arrival of high-speed, continuous-process production machinery. At the same time, the scale and complexity of business increased, necessitating the invention of management skills such as scheduling, accounting and co-ordination across many interacting locations. Consequently came the switch from market allocation of resources to corporate allocation because the cost of allocation of resources within the company became lower than the cost of using the market. The primary areas where the changes took place were in the production and distribution of goods – the supply chain.



Those who recognized this fact developed business models that took advantage of the opportunity by expanding and integrating operations within the company.


1、Those developed business models 是主句

2、who recognized this fact 是限制性定语从句,修饰“those”

3、that took advantage of the opportunity by expanding and integrating operations within the company是另一个限制性定语从句,修饰名词“business models”,其中的介词短语“by expanding and integrating operations within the company”,作方式状语,修饰动词词组“took advantage of” .