
Trouble is, there was no head to be found. 问题时找不到这里的头头
head 此处还有另一层意思:这里的人都没有头脑
a startlingly well-fed young activist 一个保养得极好的年轻激进分子
those with fewer than ten body piercings 身上穿孔少于十个的那些人
I recently returned from five days in Quebec City, a quaint and picturesque town on the St. Lawrence River, which will heretofore be known as “la capitale mondiale du gaz lacrimogene”, the “tear gas capital of the world”. 1)“I recently returned from five days in Quebec City”是主句
2)“a quaint and picturesque town on the St. Lawrence River”是同位语,对“Quebec City”进行说明
3)介词“on”表示“在(河边,海边等)”,如,the pasture on the south side of the river 河岸南边的牧场;Cambridge is on the River Cam. 剑桥位于卡姆河边。
4)“which will heretofore be known as ‘la capitale mondiale du gaz lacrimogene’, the ‘tear gas capital of the world’”是定语从句,修饰名词“Quebec City”,其中“tear gas capital of the world”是同位语,对其前面的短语"la capitale mondiale du gaz lacrimogene"进行说明
But I traveled to Quebec for the real show; the “People’s summit”, an alternative event organized ostensibly to represent – what else? –the “people’s view”. 1)“But I traveled to Quebec for the real show”是主要成分
2)“People’s summit”是同位语,说明“real show”的内容
3)an alternative event organized ostensibly to represent the “people’s view”是“People’s summit”的同位语,说明“People’s summit”的内容,其中“what else?”可以理解为是插入语
The Hemispheric Social Alliance, a coalition of ideological and economic interest groups that are opposed to free trade, had invited fringe groups, from the far-left to the farther-left, to a “carnival against capitalism” in a big white tent alongside the river. 1)The Hemispheric Social Alliance had invited fringe groups, from the far-left to the farther-left, to a "carnival against capitalism" in a big white tent alongside the river. 是主句,其中"from the far-left to the farther-left"可以理解为是作定语,修饰名词“fringe groups”
2)“a coalition of ideological and economic interest groups that are opposed to free trade”是“The Hemispheric Social Alliance”的同位语,说明其内容,其中的“that are opposed to free trade”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰“ideological and economic interest groups”
I stood in the sun listening to bandana-clad adolescents whining, loudly, about how they deserved to be on the other side of the 2.5 mile security fence that ringed the town center where the delegates were meeting. 1)“I stood in the sun”是主句
2)“listening to bandana-clad …where the delegates were meeting”是现在分词短语,作伴随状语,说明和“stood”同时发生的动作,其中:
  1. “bandana-clad adolescents”是宾语,现在分词短语“whining … were meeting”作宾语补足语
  2. “how they deserved … meeting”是个宾语从句,作介词“about”的宾语,其中“that ringed … were meeting”是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“security fence”,“where the delegates were meeting”也是一个限制性定语从句,修饰其中的名词“town center”
A unionized garment worker, whose job likely depends on making sure no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras, straight-facedly hoisted a sign reading “Free trade equals corporate welfare”. 1)“A unionized garment worker straight-facedly hoisted a sign reading ‘Free trade equals corporate welfare’”是主句,现在分词短语“reading ‘Free trade equals corporate welfare’”作定语,修饰名词“sign”
2)“whose job likely depends on making sure no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras”是个非限制性定语从句,修饰名词“worker”,其中“no one is allowed to buy shirts made in Honduras”是宾语从句,作动词词组“making sure”的宾语
Countries that are open to international trade and investment tend to grow faster than those countries that seal themselves off from the global economy; more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD. 1)“Countries tend to grow faster … more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD”是主句,其中“faster”是副词,做状语,修饰动词“grow”,“more than twice as fast according to conservative calculations by the OECD”是个副词词组,也修饰动词“grow”,作状语,其中的“more than twice”,“as”和“according to conservative calculations by the OECD”分别修饰“fast”
2)“that are open to international trade and investment”是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“countries”
3)“than those countries that seal themselves off from the global economy”是省略了谓语的比较状语从句,和faster一起构成比较,其中,“that seal themselves off from the global economy”也是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“countries”
Yet the protesters see none of that, choosing to make themselves the enemies of the downtrodden by denying poor countries the tools of development, arguing that free trade causes poverty. 1)“Yet the protesters see none of that”是主句
2)现在分词短语“choosing to make … causes poverty”作伴随状语,说明和“see”同时发生的动作,其中,“arguing that free trade causes poverty”也是一个现在分词短语,作伴随状语,说明和“denying”同时发生的动作,从句“that free trade causes poverty”作“arguing”的宾语
While there is little in the way of substantive criticism coming from the activists, their continual presence at international meetings gives cover to old-style protectionists who would like to see more restrictions on the flow of goods and capital around the globe. 1)“their continual presence … protectionists”是主句,“in the way of”的意思是“in the aspect of在…方面”
2)“While there is … the activists”是个让步状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“gives cover to”
3)“who would like … around the globe”是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“protectionists”
The great events that opened up the world economy – the embrace of reform in China and the abandonment by many developing countries of their “import substitution” development model – all occurred outside the context of trade negotiations. 1)“The great events all occurred outside the context of trade negotiations”是主句
2)“that opened up the world economy”是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“the great events”
3)两个名词短语“the embrace of reform in China”和“the abandonment by many developing countries of their 'import substitution' development model”作同位语,说明“the great events”的内容
For decades, trade liberalization has been pursued through a policy of “diversion and appeasement”: diverting attention away from opening domestic markets by focusing on exports and foreign policy, and appeasing protectionists with “fair trade” policies that gave politically powerful industries a pass on foreign competition. 1)"trade liberalization has … and appeasement"是主句
2)“diverting attention … and foreign policy”和“appeasing protectionists … competition”作同位语,分别对“转移”和“让步”进行说明,后者中的“that gave politically powerful industries a pass on foreign competition”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“policies”
By failing to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies – that is, to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade – economic liberals are helping to perpetuate popular suspicions that trade’s critics have legitimate complaints. 1)“economic liberals are helping to perpetuate popular suspicions”是主句
2)介词短语“By failing to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies – that is, to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade”作状语,说明主句中谓语动词发生的方式,其中“to make an unapologetic case for truly free and open trade”相当于一个同位语结构,对“to directly challenge mercantilist assumptions and fair trade fallacies”进行说明
3)“that trade’s critics have legitimate complaints”是同位语从句,说明“suspicions”的内容
But as economists since Adam Smith have pointed out, the idea of open markets as a concession gets reality exactly backwards: the real benefits of trade is imports, the necessary cost of which is exports. 1)“the idea of open markets as a concession gets reality exactly backwards”是主句
2)“as economists since Adam Smith have pointed out”是非限制性的定语从句,对主句的内容进行补充说明
3) “the real benefits of trade is imports, the necessary cost of which is exports”相当于一个并列的复合句,“the real benefits of trade is imports”是主句,“the necessary cost of which is exports”是非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“imports”
Far from making an unapologetic case for open markets, free traders have played into the hands of protectionists by treating trade barriers as important assets while focusing all their energies on prying open foreign markets. 1)“free traders have played into the hands of protectionists”是主要部分
2)介词短语“far from making an unapologetic case for open markets”作程度状语,修饰谓语 “have played into the hands of protectionists”
3)介词短语“by treating trade barriers as important assets”作方式状语,也修饰谓语 “have played into the hands of protectionists”
4)“while (they are) focusing all their energies on prying open foreign markets”是个省略了主语的时间状语从句,也修饰谓语 “have played into the hands of protectionists”
Part of the plan for achieving those goals must be to organize import-using and exporting businesses – sectors of the economies in most EU countries that dwarf protected industries – into a new free trade coalition. 1)“Part of the plan for achieving those goals must be to organize import-using and exporting businesses? into a new free trade coalition.”是主句,介词短语“for achieving those goals”修饰名词“plan”
2)“sectors of the economies in most EU countries that dwarf protected industries”作同位语,对“import-using and exporting businesses”进行说明,其中定语从句“that dwarf protected industries”修饰名词“sectors”
The strategy has begun to work in the United States, where, for example, automobile manufacturers and other steel-using industries have begun to fight efforts by domestic steel manufacturers to further close the already protected US market. 1)“The strategy has begun to work in the United States”是主句
2)“where automobile … protected US market”是个非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“the United States”,其中介词短语“by domestic steel manufacturers”和动词不定式短语“to further close the already protected US market”都修饰名词“efforts”
But it is also true that trade negotiations cannot force countries to drop their trade barriers; nations open up only when the domestic political atmosphere is right. 1)两个并列分句之间通常由并列连词连接,但有时候也可以不用并列连词、而采用分号来连接两个并列分句,本句就是个例子。在本句中,分号连接了两个并列复合句“it is also true that trade negotiations cannot force countries to drop their trade barriers”和“nations open up only when the domestic political atmosphere is right”。
2)另外,在前一个并列复合句中,“that”引出的从句“that trade negotiations cannot force countries to drop their trade barriers”作句中的实际主语,“it”作形式主语;在后一个并列复合句中,“when”引出的从句“only when the domestic political atmosphere is right”作时间状语,修饰谓语动词“open up”
The idea is to punish an offending nation into dropping its trade barriers by punishing its exporters with high tariffs – a result that harms consumers in both countries. 1)“The idea is to punish an offending nation into dropping its trade barriers”是主要部分
2)介词短语“by punishing its exporters with high tariffs”修饰动词不定式“to punish…”
3)“a result that harms consumers in both countries” 是动名词短语“punishing its exporters with high tariffs”的同位语,对其进行说明,其中的“that harms consumers in both countries”是定语从句,修饰名词“result”
If nothing else, the spectacle of Quebec should dispel any lingering doubts about whether the anti-trade left has anything new to offer the world’s poor. 1)“the spectacle of Quebec should dispel any lingering doubts about”是主句
2)“If (there is) nothing else”是省略了“there is”的条件状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“should dispel”
3)从句“whether the anti-trade left has anything new to offer the world’s poor”作介词“about”的宾语
Never mind that those policies have failed time and again; anti-trade activists can abide anything, it seems, except choice and freedom. 这个句子是用分号连接两个并列的句子“Never mind that those policies have failed time and again”和“anti-trade activists can abide anything, it seems, except choice and freedom”。
Market competition is also a discovery process, a way of learning things we wouldn't otherwise know, and (in) which we learn from people we may have never met. 1)“Market competition is also a discovery process”是主句
2)“a way of learning things …have never met”是同位语,对“a discovery process”进行说明
3)定语从句“we wouldn't otherwise know”修饰名词“things”
4)定语从句“(in) which we learn from people we may have never met”修饰名词“way”,其中“we may have never met”是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“people”
Yet the only way to realize that potential, (and) to get at the knowledge that improves our lives, is through an open market system where people are allowed to compete to satisfy the wants and needs of others. 1)“Yet the only way to realize that potential, (and) to get at the knowledge is through an open market system”是主句,其中的两个动词不定式“to realize that potential”和“to get at the knowledge”修饰名词“way”
2)限制性的定语从句“that improves our lives”修饰名词“knowledge”
3)限制性的定语从句“where people are allowed to compete to satisfy the wants and needs of others”修饰名词“system”