
from…to …
  1. The no man’s land stretches from east to west.
  2. The research stretched from 1990 to 1995.
to a fault 过分,过度,极端
  1. Generous to a fault, the company had all his traveling expenses reimbursed.
live up to 无愧于,真正做到; 证明与…等同
  1. The "Crazy English" program lives up to its name.
  2. It is somewhat difficult to live up to the standards set by the committee.
  3. The new technology did not live up to our expectations. 那种新技术并不符合我们的期望。
  4. The new house did not live up to their expectations. 那幢新房子不合他们的意。
in the way of 关于…方面
  1. Paris fashions in the way of clothing are imitated worldwide.
  2. He is a wise man in the ways of world.
coax sth. out of sb. 哄某人东西(等)
  1. The boy managed to coax $ 10 out of his grandmother.
  2. 其他用法如:
  3. coax sb. Out of sth. 劝某人脱离…
  4. coax sb. Back into… 哄劝某人回到…
  5. coax sb. to do sth. 哄劝某人做…
be better off 经济状况好的,富裕的
  1. Many developing countries are better off since they launched their economic reform programs.
cling to 坚持,墨守,依附于
  1. Strangely enough, the company still clings to the failed strategy of the past.
  2. Threatened by catastrophe, villagers still cling to the slopes of the unpredictable mountain.
seal off 把…封锁起来
  1. The west wing of the palace was sealed off.
  2. Nobody can afford to seal himself off from the society.
lift …out …of 使…从…出来
  1. The debt-ridden trading house found it hard to lift its business out of the crisis.
divert … away from 将…从…转移
  1. I managed to divert my attention away from the games.
  2. 类似的用法如:
  3. divert… from …into
  4. He prepared a plan to divert funds from the companies into illegal savings schemes.
be suited to (doing) sth. 适合于
  1. The policy is not suited to the conditions of the town.
shift from … to … 从…专向…
  1. The wind shifted from north to west.
  2. The country is shifting from a centrally planned economy to a market economy.
in the parlance of/in sb’s parlance 按照…说法
  1. in common parlance 俗话说
  2. Multifunction devices—convergence, in industry parlance—are the latest trend.
in exchange for 交换
  1. Such a technology transfer in exchange for quick market access is likely to happen.
play into the hands of sb./play into sb’s hands to do what someone you are competing with wants you to do, without realizing it授人以可乘之机,因失算而使某人得利
  1. Such a policy only plays into the hands of the developed countries.
  2. Their argument is perceived to be playing into the hands of a third party.
  3. If we respond with violence, we'll be playing into their hands, giving them an excuse for a fight.如果我们以暴力来回应的话,那就正中他们的下怀,给他们以打架的借口了。
  4. Such action, I believed - and still believe - would have played into the hands of my enemies.这样的行动,我当时相信,而且我现在依然相信,(如果发生),只会对我们的敌人有利。
buy off 收买,给…好处
  1. The need to do everything they can to avoid being bought off.
be subject to the scrutiny of 有待…核查,受到…监督
  1. A public figure is, in one way or another, subject to pubic scrutiny.
  2. He feels the heat of public scrutiny that he is subject to.
refrain from 忍住,控制,可知不要…
  1. People tend to refrain from buying medicines over the Internet.
  2. The theory is gaining ground among academics.
gain ground 发展,普及
  1. After three years, the equity markets gained ground.
  2. The theory is gaining ground among academics.
in-your-face (behavior) that is intended to be noticed and to shock or upset people 当你面的
  1. I saw heart in great abundance— in-your-face public displays of compassion were the order of the day—but clear thinking was conspicuously scarce.
the order of the day to be very common at a particular time 流行的时尚
  1. Casual clothes will be the order of the day. 便装是当今的时尚。
  2. Downsizing was the order of the day, and thousands of jobs were lost. 当时裁员很时兴,因而数千个工作丢失了。
get one's hands on to succeed in getting something 获得
  1. I can never get my hands on a stapler in this office.在这个办公室,我从未能够找到一个订书机。
  2. Only if I could get my hands on a couple of hundred pounds, I'd be able to get married.只要我弄到两三百镑,我就可以结婚了。
never mind used to say that something is not possible or likely, because even a less extreme thing is not possible or likely 更不用说
  1. Well, you would have hardly got a bed in that room, never mind anything else.嗯,在那间屋里,你连一张床都没有,更不用说别的什么了。
  2. Xiamen University is one of the best universities in the country, never mind Tsinghua University.(连)厦门大学是我国(都是)最好的大学之一,那就更不用说清华大学了。
never mind that:【非正式用语】despite the fact that 尽管,e.g.
  1. He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that he has hardly any money left.尽管他几乎没剩下什么钱,但他还是打算去度今年的第三个假。
make (out) a case for to find good reasons that prove something or show why you need (to do) something 证明…有理由,提出有利于…的理由
  1. We will publish a new edition if you can make a convincing case for it.如果你能够提出令人信服的理由的话,我们将出新版。
  2. We made (out) a case for hiring another assistant.我们提出了再聘用一个助手的理由。
lock in to do something so that a price, offer, agreement etc cannot be changed 使…固定
  1. Sell your stocks now to lock in some of the gains of recent months. 现在就把你的股票卖了,这样你近几个月赚的钱就可以真正到手了。
in sum used before a statement that gives the main information about something in a few simple words 总之
  1. In sum, theory must be combined with practice.总之,理论必须同实践相结合。
  2. In sum, the examination was a disaster.总之,这次考试是个灾难。