Paraphrasing (3rd paragraph)


Given that Europe is an area with substantial political, institutional and regional differences, and different degrees of economic development, investors should not only focus on sectors, but also consider regional opportunities. Roeland Boonstoppel, head of Crescendos European operations, indicates the UK, Germany, France and Sweden as the most promising countries in terms of technological development. His opinion is largely shared by other American VCs. Jose Brena, co-managing director of TD Capital Communications Partners, includes Spain, which has a competitive telecommunications sector while financial instruments are more developed than in other countries such as, for instance, Italy. According to Brena, Scandinavia is a good place to stay in the loop, but it is difficult to make money there because of the strong competition and the wide gap between theory and practice.

The main idea of the paragraph

Because of political, institutional, and regional differences and different degrees of economic development in Europe, some sectors like telecommunications and some countries and regions, e.g. the UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Scandinavia, are more favorable than others. Also due to fierce competition, it is not easy to make money.



to stay in the loop

to be aware of information known only to a privileged few 在圈内