

the pioneering companies testing the waters overseas

to test the water/waters:to check people’s reaction to a plan before you decide to use it试水

Some believe that individually, with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable, Chinese brands could become a global phenomenon within a decade, marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing.

  1. “Some believe”是主句,“that individually, with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable, Chinese brands could become a global phenomenon within a decade, marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing”是宾语从句。
  2. 介词短语“with the help of enterprising local management or eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable”做方式状语,修饰宾语从句中的谓语动词“could become”。
  3. “eager multinational partners wanting to add new products to their stable”,其中,现在分词短语“wanting to add new products to their stable”做定语修饰“eager multinational partners”。
  4. 过去分词短语“marketed on quality and exotic appeal, as well as competitive pricing” 也是做方式状语,修饰宾语从句中的谓语动词“could become”

add new products to their stable


  1. a stable of publications
  2. a personal stable of five cars
  3. a stable of consultants

Further down the road there is brand-potential for products such as home appliances

further down the road意为“再往前走”,在句中作者以此来按顺序描述中国的不同产品。

Although the domestic market is still robust, a handful of state-owned enterprises, or SOEs, including listed Chinese companies, are now looking to establish international brands because they reckon the quality of both their products and their management has improved.

  1. “Although the domestic market is still robust”是个让步状语从句。
  2. “a handful of state-owned enterprises, or SOEs, including listed Chinese companies, are now looking to establish international brands”是主句,其中现在分词短语“including listed Chinese companies”做定语,修饰名词短语“a handful of state-owned enterprises”。
  3. “because they reckon the quality of both their products and their management has improved”是原因状语从句,其中“(that) the quality of both their products and their management has improved”是动词“reckon”的宾语从句。

…while enjoying the advantage of being perceived as exotic

这是个省略了主语“Chinese joint ventures”和助动词“are”的时间状语从句。

With the government’s emphasis on preventing the outflow of foreign currency, the chances of the restrictions being lifted are slim.

  1. “With the government’s emphasis (being) on preventing the outflow of foreign currency”是个带逻辑主语“the government’s emphasis”的复合结构,介词“with” 引出逻辑主语,后面的“(being) on preventing the outflow of foreign currency”相当于谓语,这个结构等于一个原因状语从句“because the government’s emphasis is on preventing the outflow of foreign currency”。
  2. 动名词短语“the restrictions being lifted”做介词“of”的宾语,在“the restrictions being lifted”中,“the restrictions”是动名词“being lifted”的逻辑主语。
  3. 另外,“the chances are slim”是常见的搭配。

Although targeted at SOEs – private companies have greater spending freedom – the 5% limit is bound to hamper Chinese brands.

  1. “Although targeted at SOEs”是个省略了主语“the 5% limit”和助动词“is”的让步状语从句。
  2. 破折号内的“private companies have greater spending freedom”是个补充说明,相当于由“but”引导的并列句,表示对照。

sb has no doubt that-clause/there is no doubt that-clause


  1. He has no doubt that/There's no doubt that one day a cure will be found for the disease.

Jianlibao’s range of sports and soft drinks

rang 在商务英语中是“系列,种类”的意思,如:

  1. a wide range of light industrial and leather products
  2. a range of attractive styles and colors
  3. a good range of computer products
  4. a full range of samples for display

Although the company has funded a host of promotional events – donating $100,000 for U.S flood relief in 1997, advertising at Miss America pageants, sponsoring the $20, 000 Jianlibao Cup Golf Tournament in 1997 – its marketing efforts (are) pale in comparison with those of the likes of Coca-Cola.

  1. “Although the company has funded a host of promotional events”是让步状语从句。
  2. 破折号内的三个现在分词短语“donating $100,000 for U.S flood relief in 1997”, “advertising at Miss America pageants”和“sponsoring the $20, 000 Jianlibao Cup Golf Tournament in 1997”,分别指三件事,做破折号前面的名词“events”的同位语。
  3. “its marketing efforts (are) pale in comparison with those of the likes of Coca-Cola”是主句。

What we are now seeing is Chinese companies getting their act together in terms of marketing.

  1. “What we are now seeing”是主语从句。
  2. “Chinese companies getting their act together in terms of marketing”是个带逻辑主语的动名词短语,“Chinese companies”是后面动名词短语。
  3. “getting their act together in terms of marketing”的逻辑主语,同样,这个结构相当于一个表语从句,that Chinese companies are。

A collective enterprise that churns out air-conditioners in Guangzhou, Meidi in 1997 achieved $386.5 million in sales, of which $70 million stemmed from exports.

  1. “A collective enterprise that churns out air-conditioners in Guangzhou”是个含定语从句的名词短语, 做其后面的专有名词“Meidi”的同位语,说明其性质;因为这个同位语比较长,因而放在名词的前面,而不是放在其后面。
  2. “of which $70 million stemmed from exports”是个由“which”引出的非限制性定语从句,修饰其前面的名词“sales”。

Jack Perkowski, Asimco’s Beijing-based chairman, believes the brand – overhauled, repackaged and resold at a premium – can give Tsingtao a run for its money in overseas markets.

  1. “Jack Perkowski, Asimco’s Beijing-based chairman, believes”是主句,其中,“Asimco’s Beijing-based chairman”是主语“Jack Perkowski”的同位语,说明其身份。
  2. “(that) the brand – overhauled, repackaged and resold at a premium – can give Tsingtao a run for its money in overseas markets”是宾语从句,其中,破折号内的过去分词短语“overhauled, repackaged and resold at a premium”作条件状语,相当于一个状语从句if it is overhauled, repackaged and resold at a premium。

crack the list of 25 best-selling foreign brands in the U.S.


  1. They were able to crack a highly competitive labor market.
  2. The company finally cracked the top 500 in 1998.

In 1996, it forged a venture in China with Yue-Sai Kan cosmetics, launched four years earlier by glamorous China-born American Yue-Sai Kan, a household name and face in the country of her birth.

  1. “it forged a venture in China with Yue-Sai Kan cosmetics”是主句。
  2. “launched four years earlier by glamorous China-born American Yue-Sai Kan”是个过去分词短语,做定语,修饰名词短语“Yue-Sai Kan cosmetics”,相当于非限制性定语从句which had been launched four years earlier by glamorous China-born American Yue-Sai Kan。
  3. “a household name and face in the country of her birth”做同位语,说明前面的名词短语“glamorous China-born American Yue-Sai Kan”的性质。

The alliance has propelled Coty almost overnight to the No.1 spot in China’s market.


Rougeor’s theory is that Western women with sensitive skin will be attracted by cosmetics that have Asian herbs as key ingredients.

  1. “Rougeor’s theory is”是主句。
  2. “that Western women with sensitive skin will be attracted by cosmetics”是表语从句。
  3. “that have Asian herbs as key ingredients”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰其前面的名词“cosmetics”。