

affix sth. to sth.


  1. affix a label to a package
  2. affix one’s signature to a contract
  3. affix a seal to a document

a host of:


  1. A host of showbusiness celebrities have pledged their support.

struggle to do sth.


  1. The debt-laden firm has been struggling to survive.

on the threshold of


  1. Through their strenuous efforts over the past decade, the group of scientists are now on the threshold of a great discovery.
  2. The top management may be on the threshold of some important decision.

market/compete on


  1. market on quality and service
  2. Compete on differentiated goods.

play to


  1. John is considered snobbish because he often plays to preferences of his superiors.
  2. It is customary in business to play to consumer demands.

make a bid to


  1. They have been making a bid to control the market.

nudge into


  1. With China’s accession into WTO, more foreign insurance giants are trying to nudge into its insurance market.

on the back of

as a result of something that already exists or something you have already done由于

  1. The company should be able to generate business on the back of existing contracts.

position sth. as


  1. As we have positioned our new product as a high-end one, we must market it as such.

for a start

used to emphasize the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating首先, 第一点

  1. Well, for a start, the weather was horrible.

be bound to do sth

certain to happen or do something because custom, experience, or common sense dictates it必定会

  1. If you play music late at night, people are bound to complain.

a drop in the bucket (AmE), a drop in the ocean (BrE)

a very small amount of something compared to what is needed or wanted: 微不足道之数
类似的说法还有:a drop in the ocean (沧海一粟)

  1. 5000 new schools are to be built, but this is just a drop in the ocean for such a vast country.

pale in comparison with …


  1. The sales we achieved last month paled in comparison with those of our competitor’s.
  2. My dress paled in comparison with that of the hostess.

to the point where


  1. The economic reform has deepened to the point where there is no turning back.
  2. The sales of the company have dropped to the point where its survival is already rather difficult.

get one’s act together

to become more organized and behave in a more effective way, especially in order to achieve something按部就班地行事;组织起来

  1. You need to get your act together if you're going to find the right house to buy.

earmark …for…


  1. The money is earmarked for the purchase of a new plant.
  2. There is not enough fund earmarked for research work in Corporate China.

churn out


  1. What was churned out by a small factory as unfortunately rejected by the market.

under the wings of


  1. Under the wings of the federal government the multinational corporation success-fully got out of its financial crisis.

buy up


  1. The totally foreign-owned enterprise intended to buy up the two troubling local factories.

pitch sth. against …/in…


  1. Coca-Cola and Pepsico have always been pitching their drinks against each other in the global market.

for one’s part

So far as one is concerned 就某人而言

  1. For my part, I prefer living in the country.

at a premium


  1. Goods in short supply are usually sold at a premium in the market.

give sb a run for one’s money

to provide somebody with some serious, sometimes unexpected competition 使…遭遇剧烈竞争;与…进行激烈的竞争

  1. They've given some of the top teams a run for their money this season.
  2. Our competitors have given us a run for our money in the computer market.

(be) a household name

to be very well known家喻户晓的事/名字

  1. Coca Cola is a household name around the world.