
Special Terms

the Long March长征

The expedition (1934—1935) in the Chinese Revolution from the Jiangxi Soviet to Yan’an, a distance of around 10 000 km. It was a heroic march, during which the Red Army went through endless hardships, frustrations and failures but managed to reach the destination with their unprecedented determination, perseverance and convictions, Here it is used to refer to the globalization of the Chinese enterprises and their brands, in which they will also experience a host of difficulties and setbacks but can and will realize their ultimate objective if they do not give up.

management expertise


competitive pricing


Taylor Nelson Sofres

A part of the Taylor Nelson Sofres group, one of the world’s leading marketing information organizations with more than 8 000 employees in over 50 countries. Its quality standards were recognized in August 1997 by the award of the ISO 9001 certification, renewed in July 2001. Taylor Nelson Sofres was the first company in its field in France to receive this standard for
the entirety of its market research, opinion research and consultancy activities.

joint venture

A joint venture (often abbreviated JV) 合资企业 is a legal entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together. The parties agree to create a new entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. The venture can be for one specific project only, or a continuing business relationship such as the Sony Ericsson joint venture.

mergers and acquisitions - M&A

A general term used to refer to the consolidation of companies. A merger is a combination of two companies to form a new company, while an acquisition is the purchase of one company by another with no new company being formed.

access to market


consumer market


distribution channels


listed companies


soft drink

The term soft drink originally applied to carbonated drinks (汽水)and non-carbonated drinks made from concentrates, although it now commonly refers to almost any cold drink that does not contain alcohol. Beverages like colas, sparkling water (=soda water 苏打水), lemonade, and fruit punch (果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)) are among the most common types of soft drinks, while hot chocolate, tea, coffee, milk and milkshakes do not fall into this classification. 不含酒精的饮料,软性饮料


Located on the beautiful and rich Pearl River Delta and at he confluence of the three rivers, there has sprung up a modernized industrial beverage town—Guangdong Jianlibao Group Co., Ltd. Jianlibao industry with canning, plastics, packaging, printing, garment/sports goods, pharmacy, real estate and beverage(the key portion) combined all together has formed a modern and large multi-enterprise group.

marketing savvy


brand recognition


Meidi (该公司现名已改为Midea) 美的

An air-conditioner producer based in Guangzhou, which is among the major air-conditioner brands in the Chinese market and has also gained a presence in the overseas, market.


Tsingtao Brewery Group (the Group) is a state-owned enterprise group established with Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. as the core and is one of the eight large enterprise groups strongly supported by Shandong provincial government.

industrial complex


white goods

all those heavy household appliances that were originally manufactured with a white enamel finish, such as refrigerators, freezers, washers and dryers, or stoves. Today the term applies to all such goods, even though they are available in a variety of decorator colors and finishes 白色家电(产品)


A super-large Chinese enterprise which started out as the Qingdao refrigerator factory, founded in 1984 with imported refrigerator production technology from Germany. Armed with the brand name strategy initiated by ZhangRuimin, Haier has actively engaged in technical innovation, scientific management, capital operations, mergers and acquisitions, and multinational expansion. It has completed its long march from a small enterprise burdened with 1.47 million yuan in debts to reach its producer in China. When it was founded, the company had only one product and 800 staff. Now more than 20 000 employees are making over 9 000 products in 42 categories.

ABN Amro Securities

A firm providing professional investment advice and related services regarding securities, fixed income and futures products to financial institutions, corporations, governments, fiduciaries, individual invertors, professional investors and securities and commodities dealers. It is registered with the Securities Exchange Commission as a broker / dealer and investment advisor and with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a futures commission merchant and commodity trading advisor.

market demand



(Research and Development)

networks for sales and service


promotion budget


specialty shop

Retail store specializing in a narrow range of items for a particular clientele. Examples are shops specializing in pipe tobacco, wedding gowns, lawn mowers, and bicycles特色商店;专营商店

New York’s Fifth Avenue纽约第五大道

A street in New York City, known as the home for many world-famous multinational companies.

marketing budget


premium brands


listed companies


market segment



Formedin1930 when the Dutch margarine company Margarine Unie mergers with other margarine companies in the 1920s. Lever Brothers. Was founded in 1885 by 1917, he began to diversify into foods, acquiring fish, ice cream and canned foods businesses, In the 1930s, Unilever introduced improved technology to the business, The business grew and new ventures were launched in Latin America. The entrepreneurial spirit of the founders and their caring approach to their employees and their communities remain at the heart of Unilever’s business today. Unilever NV and Unilever PLC are the parent companies of what is today one of the largest consumer goods businesses in the world. Since 1930, the two companies have operated as one, linked by a series of agreements and shareholders that participate in the prosperity of the whole business. Unilever’s corporate centres are London and Rotterdam.

controlling stake
