
The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet should help remove some of the uncertainties in the enlargement process that have concerned the applicants and should encourage their parliaments to pass needed reforms more rapidly. 在此句中
1)The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet should help remove some of the uncertainties in the enlargement process…and should encourage their parliaments to pass needed reforms more rapidly是主句,其中的“The establishment of concrete target dates for both sides to meet”是主语,“for both sides to meet”是个带逻辑主语的动词不定式,修饰名词“dates”,“should help”和“should encourage”是两个并列谓语动词;
2)that have concerned the applicants是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“process”。
Possibly complicating agriculture negotiations is the European Commission’s plan to conduct a mid-term review of its Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) in the summer of 2002, which could include proposals for fundamental reforms. 1)这句因为主语“the European Commission’s plan … for fundamental reforms”比较长,因而采用倒装的语序,把较短的谓语提前,把主语放到句子后面。
2)在主语the European Commission’s plan to conduct a mid-term review of its Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) in the summer of 2002, which could include proposals for fundamental reforms 中,动词不定式“to conduct a mid-term … of 2002”作定语,修饰“plan”;非限制性定语从句“which … reforms”也修饰名词“plan”
3)谓语用的是进行时态 is possibly complicating agriculture negotiations
Although some EU officials argued that agriculture should not be negotiated with the candidate countries until any such reforms are undertaken, to preserve the negotiating timetable it was agreed to negotiate the agriculture acquis as it stands now. 在此句中
1)to preserve ...stands now是主句,动词不定式“to preserve the negotiating timetable”作目的状语;“it”是形式主语,动词不定式“to negotiate the agriculture acquis as it stands now”是实际主语,其中的“as it stands now”是方式状语从句,修饰“to negotiate the agriculture acquis”;
2)Although some EU officials argued that agriculture should not be negotiated with the candidate countries until any such reforms are undertaken 是让步状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词 was agreed,其中的“that agriculture should not be negotiated with the candidate countries until any such reforms are undertaken”是宾语从句,作动词argue的宾语,“until any such reforms are undertaken”修饰谓语动词“should not be negotiated”,是个时间状语从句。
According to the study, many of the benefits of enlargement have already taken place through the deepening of integration that resulted after the great changes, and through the so-called trade-related Europe Agreements, which were concluded in the 1990s between the EU and each of the Central and Eastern European countries. 在此句中
1)According to the study, many of the benefits of enlargement have already taken place through the deepening of integration, and through the so-called trade-related Europe Agreements 是主句
2)限制性定语从句“that resulted after the great changes”修饰“deepening of integration”
3)非限制性定语从句“which were concluded in the 1990s between the EU and each of the Central and Eastern European countries”修饰“trade-related Europe Agreements”
According to the study, EU growth could increase by 0.7 of a percentage point, on a cumulative basis, over the period 2000-2009, with half of the potential gains resulting from the boost to growth from migration flows and the remainder due to mark-up and trade integration effects. 1)这句虽长,但却是个简单句,“EU growth could increase”是其主要部分
2)介词短语“According to the study”和“on a cumulative basis”作方式状语,修饰谓语动词“could increase”
3)介词短语“by 0.7 of a percentage point”作程度状语,也修饰谓语动词“could increase”
4)介词短语“over the period 2000-2009”作时间状语,也修饰谓语动词“could increase”
5)介词短语“with half of the potential gains … trade integration effects”作伴随状语,补充说明谓语动词“could increase”,它由两部分构成“with half of the potential gains resulting from the boost to growth from migration flows”和“(with) the remainder due to mark-up and trade integration effects”
The study also points out that effects of the Southern enlargement of the EU in the 1980s (the accession of Greece, Spain, and Portugal to the then EU-9), can be a useful benchmark for estimating the effects of the future enlargement on the EU, since some important similarities exist between these enlargements; in particular, the size in terms of population and GDP of the candidates vis-à-vis the EU. 在此句中
1)The study also points out是主句
2)that effects … the candidates vis-à-vis the EU是宾语从句,作主句中谓语动词“points out”的宾语,其中:
effects of the Southern enlargement of the EU in the 1980s (the accession of Greece, Spain, and Portugal to the then EU-9), can be a useful benchmark for estimating the effects of the future enlargement on the EU是主要部分,
②介词短语“of the Southern enlargement of the EU in the 1980s”修饰“effects”
③名词短语“the accession of Greece, Spain, and Portugal to the then EU-9”作“Southern enlargement”的同位语,对其进行说明
④谓语动词“can be a useful benchmark”是个系表结构
⑤介词短语“for estimating the effects of the future enlargement on the EU”作定语,修饰名词表语“benchmark”
⑥since some important similarities exist between these enlargements; in particular, (in) the size in terms of population and GDP of the candidates vis-à-vis the EU 是原因状语从句,修饰谓语动词“can be a useful benchmark”;其中的“(in) the size in terms of population and GDP of the candidates vis-à-vis the EU”作定语,修饰“similarities”
Like the Southern enlargement and current studies suggest … 在此句中
1)Don't talk to me like you talk to a child.别象对孩子说话那样来和我说话。
2)To dance like she does requires great discipline.(跳舞)要跳得象她那样好得有大量的训练。