
Special Terms
transaction costs 交易成本
harmonization of standards 标准统一
a single tariff schedule 单一海关税则/税率表
investment regime 投资管理体制
competition policy 竞争政策
action plan 行动计划
regional policy 地区政策
financial and budgetary provisions 财政及预算拨款
production quota 生产定额,生产指示
per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值
open economy 开发的经济
price differentials 差价
efficient allocation of resources 资源的有效配置
economic and monetary union (EMU) Economic and monetary union is the process whereby the economic and monetary policies of the Member States of the Union are being harmonized with a view to the introduction of a single currency. It was the subject of one of the two Intergovernmental Conferences held in December 1990. The Treaty provides that EMU is to be achieved in three stages: First stage (July 1, 1990 to December 31,1993): free movement of capital between Member States, closer coordination of economic policies and closer cooperation between central banks; Second stage (July 1, 1994 to December 31,1998): convergence of the economic and monetary policies of the Member States (to ensure stability of prices and sound public finances); Third stage ( from January 1, 1999): establishment of a European Central Bank, fixing of exchange rates and introduction of a single currency. 经济和货币联盟
EU’s acquis communautaire (Community acquis) The Community acquis or Community patrimony is the body of common rights and obligations which bind all the Member States together within the European Union. It comprises not only Community law in the strict sense, but also all acts adopted under the second and third pillars of the European Union and, above all, the common objectives laid down in the Treaties.
currency union A group of countries that agree to peg their exchange rates and to coordinate their monetary policies so as to avoid the need for currency realignments. 货币联盟
Maastricht economic convergence criteria 马斯特里赫特经济一体化标准
The economic tests in the Maastricht Treaty used to judge whether countries are ready to participate in monetary union. The four criteria are as follows:
  1. inflation—within 1.5% of best three performing countries in terms of price stability;
  2. public finances—absence of an excessive government deficit;
  3. exchange rate stability, —observance of the normal margins of the exchange rate mechanism without severe tensions or devaluation for 2 years;
  4. long term interest rates—within 2% of rates in the three countries with lowest rates of inflation.
PPS (Purchasing Power Standard) The number of currency units required to buy goods equivalent to what can be bought with one unit of the currency of the base country or with one unit of the common currency of a group of countries. Also referred to as Purchasing-power parity (PPP). The PPS may be calculated over all of GDP, but also at levels of aggregation, like capital formation. 购买力标准