
to a lesser extent 在较少程度上
  1. The majority of the employees were not involved in the case, some of them, however, did spend their company’s hard cash to a greater or lesser extent.
  2. 类似用法还有:
  3. to a large extent 在很大程度上
  4. to a certain extent 在一定程度上
  5. to a great extent 很大程度上,非常
  6. to some extent 在某种程度上
  7. In terms of manufacturing, China is gaining in importance and certainly replacing Southeast Asia to a large extent.
benefit from 受益于
  1. The two countries are well situated to benefit from China’s economic boom.
  2. Japanese domestic producers may benefit from depreciation of the yen.
make a commitment to do sth. 承诺某事,承诺做某事
  1. They have make a commitment to pay $ 5 000 to the charity school.
  2. 类似的用法如:commitment to sth. e.g. He responded to his critics by reaffirming his commitment to political reform and economic liberalization.
cope with 与…竞争,应付
  1. Police in Yokohama are struggling to cope with rising crime.
  2. The local government is ready to cope with unexpected catastrophes.
taken on 承担,接受
  1. After the accident, the son took on the management of the factory.
opt out of sth. to decide not to be part of a group or system 决定退出;选择脱离…
  1. He may opt out of the competition.
  2. Britain wants to opt out of the new European regulations.英国想选择退出新的欧洲规则(体系)。
  3. In the United States, individual schools have the right to opt out of the local educational authority.在美国,每一学校都有脱离地方教育行政体系的权利
  4. Compare opt in to something: to decide to join a group or system 决定加入,e.g. Employees have the choice to opt in to the pension scheme.雇员可以选择加入养老金计划。
set ( a date, a price, a target, etc.) for… 为…定…
  1. It was time for the company to set its budget for the following year.
  2. A date has been set for the meeting.
catch up to / catch up with to go fast enough or do enough so as not to be/fall behind 追上,赶上,与…并驾齐驱
  1. He worked very hard and tried to catch up to his partner.
  2. Smith ran hard and tried to catch up to his friends. 史密斯拼命奔跑,想赶上他的朋友们
as of 在…时,到…时为止,从…时起
  1. The new contract takes effect as of December 2.
as it stands in its present condition 按照现在情况,照这种样子;事实是这样
  1. Send the message as it now stands.
  2. There are no merits in the bill as it stands. 按现在这种情况,这个议案没有什么可取之处。
  3. We cannot accept the document as it stands. 照现在这种样子,这个文件我们不能接受。
register a per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值达到…
  1. register 意为“获得,取得完成或达到",如:
  2. The company registered a new high in sales.
rank within… 位于…之内,名列…之内
  1. rank among …
  2. rank first/second/third …
  3. The company has ranked within the biggest 100 in the country over the past five years.
on a cumulative basis 以累积方式
  1. The dividend of preference shares is given on a cumulative basis.
stand to lose/ win(gain) to be likely to lose/win(gain) something 有失去/赢得…的可能;一定(可能)会输/赢
  1. They will stand to gain handsomely from a new system.
  2. The developing countries of Asia stand to lose the most if an international agreement to combat global warming collapses because of U.S. opposition.
  3. After the oil spill, thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods. 在石油泄漏后,数千渔民可能会丧失他们的生计。
  4. All the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little. 所有的牛都已经赶入牛棚,我们几乎没有遭受什么损失。
  5. What do firms think they stand to gain by merging? 公司认为他们会从合并中得到什么好处?
  6. Larger airlines stand to gain a larger market share if the new regulations are passed. 如果通过新的规则,较大的航空公司可能会得到更大的市场份额。
the rule of law a situation in which the laws of a country are obeyed 法治
  1. compare the rule of man a situation in which the orders of the officials rather than the laws of the country are obeyed 人治
market forces the forces that allocate the resources (labor, raw materials, capital) to where there is the best return, whose role is realized through competition in the marketplace in the form of prices 市场力