

Airline layoffs alone will top 100,000, pushing some analysts to say as many as 1 million workers may lose their jobs because of the post-attack repercussions.

1)Airline layoffs alone will top 100,000 是主句
2)pushing some … the post-attack repercussions 是现在分词短语,作伴随状语,表示和 “will top”同时发生的动作;其中,“as many as 1 million workers may lose their jobs because of the post-attack repercussions”是个省略了“that”的从句,作“say”的宾语。

Congress, having already passed a $40 billion emergency aid package, is now weighing tax cuts for businesses and low-income households.

having already passed a $40 billion emergency aid package 是个现在分词短语,作状语,说明谓语动词 “is weighing”发生的时间;现在分词采用的是完成形式,说明“pass”这个动作发生在“weigh”这个动作之前。

If motorists suddenly panic out of fear that gas won’t be available or will be available at some stratospheric price, they are going to line up at gas pumps and create a gasoline shortage.

1)“they are going to line up at gas pumps and create a gasoline shortage”是主句
2)“If motorists suddenly … some stratospheric price”是个条件状语从句,其中“that gas won’t be available or will be available at some stratospheric price”是个同位语从句,说明“fear担忧”的内容。

Consumers already planning the purchase of a new car, appliance, or other big-ticket item may go ahead, but forget those who had only begun to think about buying.

2)“already planning the purchase of a new car, appliance, or other big-ticket item”是现在分词短语,作定语,修饰名词“consumers”
3)“who had only begun to think about buying”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰代词“those”

So wary of offending have some marketers become that Sears cancelled its commercials on ABC’s Politically Incorrect after host Bill Baher appeared to insult the military.

1)这句为了强调表语“so wary of offending”,采用倒装的结构,“some marketers”是主语,“have become”是谓语动词
2)“that Sears cancelled its commercials … to insult the military”与“so wary of offending”呼应,是个结果状语从句,其中“after host Bill Baher appeared to insult the military”是个时间状语从句,说明“cancelled”发生的时间

That is the challenge facing the $372 billion entertainment and amusement industry, which analysts figure will suffer a 6 percent to 8 percent decrease in revenues because of the tragedy.

1)“that is the challenge facing the $372 billion entertainment and amusement industry”是主句
2)“which analysts figure will suffer…the tragedy”是个非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“entertainment and amusement industry”,关系代词“which”在从句中作另一个宾语从句“will suffer a 6 percent to 8 percent decrease in revenues”的主语

Although the new season has been pretty well purged of any references that might be deemed offensive in the wake of the attacks, there is serious doubt about viewers’ tastes in the future.

1)“there is serious doubt about viewers’ tastes in the future”是主句
2)“although the new season has… in the wake of the attack”是个让步状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语“is serious doubt”,其中“that might be deemed offensive in the wake of the attacks”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“references”

We have no idea whether we can interest viewers in new shows.

“whether we can interest viewers in new shows”是个同位语从句,说明“idea”的内容,原先在这样用时通常在“idea”之后加上复合介词“as to”。

Still more were simply scrubbed clean of their reference to terrorism and the World Trade Center.

在“still more were scrubbed clean of their reference …”中,“clean”作补语,对被动结构中的主语“still more”做补充说明。

First-half profits were down 76 percent, or $7.9 billion.

在此句中,“76 percent, or $7.9 billion”前省略了表示变化幅度的“by”,此句的意思是“上半年的利润下降了百分之七十六,或下降了七十九亿美元”。

But analysts are confident that the industry will be able to meet the estimated $30 billion in projected claims, a loss that could escalate if costly business-interruption and personal injury claims accelerate.

1)“but analysts are confident”是主句
2)“that the industry will … injury claims accelerate”是个在“be + 形容词”系表结构后的状语从句,其中
(1)“a loss that accelerate”作它前面的名词短语“the estimated $30 billion in projected claims”的同位语,在这个名词短语中,介词短语“in projected claims”作定语,修饰名词短语“$30 billion”
(2)“that could escalate if costly business-interruption and personal injury claims accelerate”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“a loss”
(3)“if costly business-interruption and personal injury claims accelerate”是个让步状语从句,修饰动词“could escalate”