

turn…upside down


  1. The only way Japan looks good is if you turn the charts upside down.
  2. The CEO of the company is turned upside down with corruption allegations.

far afield


  1. He is in Hong Kong and traveling at least three times a month to get to conferences farther afield.
  2. Top directors have to travel to locations as far afield as Angeles and Hong Kong.
  3. 类似的用法还有:

get far afield from one’s subject离题太远
go too far afield误入歧途
lead too far afield (使)入歧途

in store for


  1. There is a bit of a shock in store for him when he becomes the Chairman.
  2. That is the package we are in store for.

top priority


  1. Improving efficiency is considered the top priority of the company.
  2. The top priority of the government is to reduce the illiteracy rate.



  1. The market is flooded with all kinds of goods.
  2. Her eyes are flooded with tears.

put…out of business


  1. It seems likely that the company will put itself out of business.

On a …footing


  1. on a good /an equal /a war footing
  2. Their business began on a good footing.

a flurry of


  1. a flurry of excitement / activity / speculation / alarm
  2. The secretary had a flurry of phone calls from business travelers asking about route-structure changes.

for one thing


  1. The dot-com CEO is ineligible to serve another term, for one thing, he is in poor health.

wear on


  1. As September wore on, the region’s economy was picking up.

take over


  1. Mobile phones and hand-held computers look set to take over many functions of the PC.

step up


  1. New measures have been taken by the authorities to step up production.

quip about sth./ make quips or a quip


  1. The art dealer quipped about “Asia Week” saying that it should be renamed “Japan Week”.

be attuned to


  1. Companies that are part of the global trading system tend to be mare attuned to developed-world standards.

(be) wary of


  1. She is becoming increasingly wary of the business opportunities available for her.

level off


  1. With a ray of fluctuations, the market has started to level off.

wipe out


  1. All profits have been wiped out.

have a clear vision of

have a clear idea of what you think something should be like 清楚地知道

  1. He had a clear vision of how he hoped the company would develop. 他清楚地知道他希望公司会怎么发展。
  2. They are able to do this because they start out with a clear vision of where they want to go.他们能够这么做是因为他们一开始就知道他们想要往哪儿去。

put a price on

to give something a financial value 给 … 定价

  1. You can't put a price on what a mother does for her children.对于母亲为孩子所做的你无法给以定价。
  2. How do you put a price on nine years of being informed and entertained?对于九年来所得到的信息和娱乐,你怎么给以定价?

to that end …

for an aim or purpose, or for the result you hope to achieve 为了(取得)那个目的

  1. He wants to cut costs, and to that end is looking for ways of cutting the company's operations.他想削减成本,为此目的,他在寻找减少公司运营的方法。 
  2. The teacher's business is to induce learning and the techniques that are used have to work to that end.教师的任务就是引导学生学习,他/她所采用的各种技巧都必须是为了实现这个目的。

draw down

to deplete by consuming or spending 耗尽

  1. They had almost drawn down their food reserves when the new supplies arrived.他们在新的供给到来时已几乎耗尽了存粮。

far and wide

over a large area到处, 广泛地

  1. The old lady was looking far and wide for her lost puppy.那位老妇人在到处寻找丢失的小狗。
  2. He made friends far and wide.他广交朋友。


having a high price or cost 高价的,昂贵的

  1. He said that, if the boss gave him a year-end bonus, he would buy a big-ticket stereo 他说,如果老板给他年终奖的话,他就去买一台昂贵的立体音响。
  2. That was really a big-ticket government program.那正是个代价高昂的政府计划。

what of

what is the news concerning … … 的情况怎么样?

  1. “What of the planes?” “Returned to their bases.” “那些飞机怎么样了?”“都回到了基地。”

round the clock

happening all the time, both day and night 日夜不停地

  1. The super-market is open round the clock.这家超级市场日夜营业。
  2. The community clinic offers round-the-clock medical care.那个社区诊所日夜提供医疗服务。



  1. The local government took an initiative to purge the PC market of software pirates.当地政府主动采取行动清除个人电脑市场上的盗版软件。
  2. She and Mary purged themselves of their mutual prejudices. 她和玛丽消除了相互间的偏见。

to fare well/badly

to be successful, unsuccessful etc 顺利/不顺利

  1. Low-paid workers will fare well under this government.在这届政府的领导下,低收入工人的日子过得不错。
  2. The party fared badly at the last general election.在上次大选中,这个党的情况很糟。