
Special Terms
mutual fund 共同基金
money market 金融市场(尤其指短期资金市场)
bull market 牛市(行情看涨的市场)
money spinner 赚钱的人,赢利的企业
Standard & Poor's 500-stock index 标准普尔500种股票指数
stock-picker 为别人挑选股票的公司或专家
pension fund 养老基金
equity fund 股本(股票)投资资金
capital gains 资本收益
liquidity 资产变现能力;资产流动性
liquidity operating outlays 经营费用
real estate 房地产
hedge fund 套利基金,对冲基金
high-net-worth market 高净值市场
1987 stock market crash On October 19, 1987 the New York stock market plunged 508 points, or 22 percent of the total market value. It was the worst crash, since 1927 which signaled the Great Depression. The morning of 1987 began with a quick loss of around 150 points. Although, the market did rebound a little before noon, the landslide had begun, and the market was losing too fast to hold back. Many of the specialists were going out of business, because the rules state that they must purchase stocks that cannot be sold. In the end, the market plunged, and after the closing bell rang in the NYSE, there was silence between the brokers. People were speechless, many broke.
Securities & Exchange Commission The SEC is a government agency whose purpose is to regulate the securities industry (the stock markets). It was created after the Great Depression when Gongress passed the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This agency decides what is legal, and prosecutes those who break the rules, along with setting many standards for brokers and investors alike. All companies traded on the many stock exchanges across America have to be registered with the SEC. Each must follow rules about what they can do with their stock, how they can advertise, and much move. (美国)证券交易管理委员会
baby boomers A person who is member of baby boom, which refers to a sudden, large increase in the birthrate, especially the one in the United States after World War II from 1947 through 1961. 生育高峰期出生的人
hedge fund An investment company that uses high-risk techniques, such as borrowing money any and selling short, in an effort to make extraordinary capital gains. 套利基金
401(k) retirement funds The term 401(k) comes from a section of the Internal Revenue Code that allows special tax considerations to help people save for retirement. Most importantly, a 401(k) Plan is a vehicle in which money contributed is invested in mutual funds or other investment options. Growth of the investments generate greater interest earnings than a traditional savings account and the growth is tax-deferred. With a 401(k) Plan, the deposited money earns interest, the interest earns interest and taxes are deferred on the amount saved and on the amount the employer withholds until the individual starts receiving benefits. (美国)401(K)退休储蓄基金
rollover Reinvestment of profits received from one often short-term security into another, similar security. 再投资