
down in the dumps 不高兴,伤心
  1. She's a bit down in the dumps because she's got to take her exams again.
wolf down 狼吞虎咽地吃
  1. The hungry boy wolfed down all the cookies left on the table.
  2. He wolfed the sandwiches down and then started on the cakes.
on the rocks 触礁,毁坏,濒临破产
  1. It seems that their marriage is on the rocks.
  2. The current financial crisis put many firms on the rocks.
hang on 坚持下去
  1. Though many super markets failed one by one, the small retail stores still hung on.
scramble to 奋力去做,争夺
  1. The soccer fans scrambled to book a ticket to the forthcoming match.
  2. After waiting for over an hour, they scrambled madly to get a seat.
face up to 大胆面对
  1. The management must face up to the fact that executive salaries will have to be cut.
  2. The general manager knows that he must face up to the challenge and lead the company out of the current crisis.
rake in 赚大钱,获取暴利
  1. Speculators have raked in piles of money in the volatile stock market.
  2. It was disgraceful that top managers still rake in absurdly high salary when the company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
come to terms with 面对(不利的现实),客观地对待,接受
  1. Mr. Jensen is slowly starting to come to terms with the failure of his project.
the lion's share 最大的份额
  1. The lion's share of government subsidies went to the agricultural sector.
  2. The company spent the lion's share of the new loan on research and development.
hold on to? 坚持
  1. No matter how tough our counterpart might be, we must hold on to our goal during the negotiation.
brace for 为…做好准备
  1. Union members braced themselves for a confrontation with management.
add insult to injury to make a bad situation worse for someone who has already been treated badly 辱上加辱;更糟
  1. She not only deceived him but, to add insult to injury, had him pay for her meal.她不但骗他,而且令他辱上加辱的是,她还让他付她的饭钱。
  2. The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!银行不但拒绝给我退钱,而且令我辱上加辱的是,银行还要我支付通知我的信函的邮资。
stick someone with something/(someone) be stuck with something make someone/(someone) be made to accept something, when one does not want to 强加于;使…负担
  1. They always stick me with the dirty work.他们老是把脏活交给我干。
  2. Bill left and I was stuck with the bill. Bill走了,只能由我付账。
  3. Rosenberg was stuck with 400 shirts that cost $4 each.罗森伯格手上压了400件单价4块钱的衬衣。